BerdsCarnival, Fairytales, 2021

Fairytales is a compilation of short videos made in my studio. They were made using my iPhone and elements on hand. Sound elements were used as they were picked up by the iPhone and not altered in any way. Thematically, the works subtly speak to dominance, death, and power.

BerdsCarnival, (E)dge (L)ocation (F)rontier), 2021

This video is a compilation of short videos made in my studio. Edge, Loaction and Frontier are common themes in BerdsCarnival. Using myself and materials at hand, I playfully explore these themes. The subject matter and sound imbues a psychological darkness.

Row 1: Blueprint Drawings, mixed-media on construction paper, 6.25” x 4.75”, 2021

Row 2: Studies For Carnival Announcement Posters, mixed-media on card stock, 8.5” x 11”, 2020 (These studies are based on Picasso’ s Head of a Horse)

Row 3: Blue Moods Suite, mixed-media on car stock, 8.5” x 11”, 2020

The studio is my playground. Often times, I utilize my iPhone and Instagram as a means to bring the audience into my world. They become voyeurs. I am interested is blurring the line between artist and entertainer; and between myth and reality.

BerdsCarnival, Games, 2021

Games is a compilation of short videos made in my studio. They are toungue and cheek commentaries on the gun culture in the United States. In the videos, my hand stands in for the gun. I shoot at a map of Brooklyn in one and at a piece of paper in the others. We all have the potential to shoot a gun. Do we all have the potential to reason when to shoot a gun? These are questions I often ask myself. Either way, guns are killing innocent people, all over the world.